06 March, 2012

Bentolicious #240

Green King Bento

Hi all! How are you?
I hope you all are doing great and healthy this week. I had a bento break last week because the kids were taking lunches from school catering. Little A joins 2 extra curricular activities on Tuesday and Wednesday after school time this semester. This is good because usually the school finishes at 2PM and he has to wait for Big A until 3PM. With the extra curricular, he will also finish at 3PM. As usual, I left him to choose the activities that he wanted to join. Last semester he chose chess and this time he chose Chinese language and drawing. I was a bit surprise when he chose Chinese language as I knew that was not his favorite subject at school. As for drawing, I think he always got inspired by his sister. If you follow me on Twitter or Instagram (both using @bentolicious IDs) then you will know that Big A loves to draw Manga. I posted some of her works on Instagram that usually I linked to my Twitter.
Another new update, some of you probably already knew about it. I started to write bento articles with step-by-step pictorial for My Paper, Singapore. The article is published every Friday and I will write for 8 issues. The first bento article was out last Friday. If you want to check out the online version then you can click on here. Unfortunately, the article is on Chinese. I would to thank Maureen, Miss Tam Chiak for the opportunity. I hope the article will be helpful for the bento beginners and more and more people will get into the bento making. I love to do it to take a small part to spread the bento love hehehe :)

Inside the box : veggies fried rice, fried middle wings, chili sauce (inside the Hello Kitty container), cherry tomatoes, pandan pudding with strawberry.


  1. Congrats Lia! Yea, I one my ex colleague in Singapore told me that there a whole page on bento making.. Way to go, Lia.. :)

  2. @Bobo : Thank you Florence! Happy to have this opportunity :)

  3. Wow...congrats, Lia on the great news...I believe your articles will be awesome :)
    The green king looks cute !

  4. @Journal Mommy Yenny : Thanks for your support all this time dear!

  5. @prince n princess mum : Thank you!

  6. Lia, that's awesome! I wish I could read Chinese. Maybe I should go with Little A after school :) I love how this little guy is peeking around the leaf, so cute!!

  7. @OhayoBento : Thanks a lot Heather! My Chinese isn't that brilliant too. A lot of friends here can't speak Chinese. I only use it with my mom. Hope the kids can learn properly. Chinese become more and more important to master in Asia :)

  8. Congratulations Lia! Another beautiful bento post! I can't read Chinese but I will definitely research any pictorial lessons you have to give! I hope this project is a warm up to what we all really want (A Bentolicious Bento Book!)But until then I'll savor all the wonderful post you make anywhere!

  9. @berrygirl : Thanks a lot for your kind words and support! I definitely will keep the 'bento book' idea in mind :)

  10. Woooo! Congrats on publishing about the art of bento, Lia! Another adorable and unique vision you've shared with us in this post :)

  11. Its great that he's trying to study a bit of Chinese now - is it Mandarin or Cantonese? ^^ And its so exciting seeing your new tutorials, Lia - I hope you're having a great week!

  12. @Bentobird : Thanks a bunch Jenn! *muach*

  13. @AikoVenus : Thanks a lot Shin! Both kids have a Mandarin subject at school. Not as advanced as Singapore or Malaysia though. But I really want that they can speak in Mandarin too :)

  14. my godnes Lia,its really too CUTE! i love it so much...such a cute idea....!!!love love...

  15. Big big congrats on your bento article series Lia! If people want to learn about how to make charaben from an expert who explains methods super clearly, they are right to go to you. I'm so excited for you!
    Nice for the kids to have extracurricular too. Chinese is certainly one that my boy would not have selected >.< Good for little A!

  16. @sheri fujihara chen : Now is working. Thanks for re-post your comment! And thanks a lot Sheri for all of your supportive comments all this time. Very appreciate it!

    Until now, both kids can't speak in the right tones although they know how to say it. I should probably speak with them at home. But they always laugh at me when I speak Chinese. For them, is like hearing an alien language :p

  17. Lia chen, the froggies are too cute!! really love them much...love your bento really much...

  18. Dear mbak lia,
    Your bentos are very creative and tempting! I admire all of your works! I just found your website about couple of weeks ago, and since then I have read all your posts (I'm finally done hehe..). Moreover you had inspired me to make my own blog :)
    Aku ijin nge-link di blog-ku ya mbak :D can't wait to see your next surprising post..

  19. Thanks you Lia Chen, when i see your bento, i feel it is very peaceful, green,... thanks so much. Can i get your bento recipe to make for my younger sister?
